Introducing the Random name selector tool. A simple tool built for teachers to randomly pick a pupil, person, item or object from a list.
Basically if you have a list of people and you need to pick one then whack their name into a list and click Go.. It will randomly pick someone, give you a pretty animation and some audio output. I know it’s simple and basic and doesn’t have many options but that’s the idea behind it.
You can single click share and embed it using an iframe (click Save & Share).
Geek warning: The tool is open source (as it’s 99.9% html/javascript) and is under the Afero GPL license. Just View Source and copy/paste, most of the js objects are from CDNs and you can just grab them too. If you do decide to copy it then please try to keep the credit to me in because I need my ego pleasing. I avoided flash as much as possible so all the animations are done with jQuery.
Oh before I forget, thanks to @PrimaryT aka Primary Technology for funding the development 🙂