Comparing PrimaryPad and Google Docs

Lots of people lately have been asking me if PrimaryPad is better than Google Docs and I wanted to make a quick video explaining how PrimaryPad is able to focus purely on learning and collaboration.  If you have ever found yourself saying “Oh I will just use Google Docs because it’s free” then this video is for you! 🙂

Never let it be said I’m not brave enough to answer my critics 😉

Primary School ICT shop

We have launched a shop!   I say we, I have had nothing to do with it personally but it looks great and it’s obvious the guys at Primary Technology have been working hard! It has a few items in now and is due a proper launch in 2011 but I wanted to give readers of my blog a sneak preview =)

You can some of your Primary School ICT bits including laptop cabs, netbooks, usb keys etc.

The idea behind the shop is that it keeps the purchasing process simple.  The shop only stocks useful items and we can allow purchashing with purchase orders.

I’m not a big fan of a company that box shifts but it turns out that our purchasing power shouldn’t be ignored as we may be able to save schools muchos dineros when purchasing equipment!  Try us out!  If we suck, let me know!

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2011, the year of internet child protection?

CEOP seems to of had a big knock this month and I’m not sure anyone other than RBC’s are being vocal about protecting children online?  Certainly most of the development we have done has been ignored by most educators.   Schools are required to get 3 quotes for purchases over X amount so why not consider performing a risk assessment when purchasing hosted web services?   I guess there needs to be a carrot.  Maybe Naace could set up a quality assurance mark for hosted web services?  Just an idea…