From Flip to flop to Mobile phones with Classdroid

Flip cameras are dead.. Yep. You read that right.. Cisco have killed the product/brand/company.. Why? Because everyone is using mobile phones to capture video and images.. So what choice do teachers have? How about a nice little app for android phones called Classdroid? It’s free and is written specifically for teachers.. G’wan.. Give it a go today, search for classdroid on your phone or install it via the market place.

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PrimaryWall is available for FREE download!

Want to host PrimaryWall in your school for your pupils/teachers and/or customize the look & feel? Good news! We open sourced the project so you can go ahead and download it now!

We open soured PrimaryWall as part of our ongoing commitment to Open source software and community engagement/control over technology. We will still be providing as that is where we will be developing new features.

Internet explorer 10 websocket support

Internet Explorer 10 preview came out today and it doesn’t support websockets which is a huge shame 🙁 Chrome does, Firefox supports them but it’s disabled by default.. Others also support Websockets.

Websockets makes your internet experience better by giving you the ability to have faster data responses on websites. This means that really-real time web applications such as Etherpad and PrimaryWall can be adopted easier.