Setting Safe Search as the default home page across your whole school

Creating a Group Policy Object (GPO) to set Safe Search as your Homepage

  1. Open Group Policy Management Console – It is found under Administrative Tools on the server Start Menu


  1. Right click on Group Policy Objects and select New


  1. Name the policy “Users – Set Homepage” – This will be a user policy rather than a computer policy, using a meaningful description will help administration later on.


  1. Right click on the policy and select Edit. The Group Policy Editor will now open.


  1. Browse through the tree structure to display Important URLs in the right hand side of the browser

User Configuration > Windows Settings > Internet Explorer Maintenance > URLs


  1. Right click on Important URLs and select Properties

Enter the following address for the homepage URL into the dialogue box



  1. Click on Ok and close the Group Policy Editor

  1. Within the Group Policy Management Window browse to the Organisational Unit containing your school users
  1. Right click on the Organisation Unit and select Link an existing GPO.


  1. Select your new GPO from the list and click Ok


  1. Your new GPO is now linked and will be applied to the users contained within the Organisational Unit you selected


Please be aware if you have another GPO applied at a higher level, for example in the Default Domain Policy settings may not be applied as anticipated. This can happen if you have two conflicting GPO’s. For example if you have two policies to set the homepage, one using and another using, one of the setting will take precedence.

Primary Technology on twitter

Are you a twitterholic? Do you want to find some of our brothers in arms on twitter?

If so here are some accounts we would love for you to follow so we can follow back :)
Jack — @JackLambe
Duncan – @Duncan_PT
Adam Mc – @adamMcevoy
John – @JohnMcLear
Chris – @PrimaryTophski
Ed – @Coopeh
Adrian – @Banjoprimary
Mark – @markfisher7
Josh – @joshfreemanftw
Dave – @DavidJonFirth
Rob – @TheFurniss

Here are some of our product accounts.
PrimaryBlogger – @primaryblogger
PrimaryPad – @primarypad
Primary Technology – @primaryt
Primary School Teaching – @psteaching
Primary Games Arena – @prigamesarena
My School Holidays – @myschoolholidays

Project cancelled: Slinkylinky

Today we decided to end our slinkylinky project. Slinkylinky was a URL sharing website that provided a simple, clean interface for sharing URLS. We closed the project due to a lack of interest and because satpin seems to be more popular.

Over the next few weeks we will be closing other projects that aren’t creating enough steam so if there is a project you like then please share about it via facebook/blog/twitter so we can see that people are using it!