Category: Primary School ICT
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2011, the year of internet child protection?
CEOP seems to of had a big knock this month and I’m not sure anyone other than RBC’s are being vocal about protecting children online? Certainly most of the development we have done has been ignored by most educators. Schools are required to get 3 quotes for purchases over X amount so why not consider performing a risk assessment when purchasing hosted web services? I guess there needs to be a carrot. Maybe Naace could set up a quality assurance mark for hosted web services? Just an idea…
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Curtains for Teachers TV
Teachers TV has lost £10m of it’s funding.
I had just written a module that pulls data off Teachers TV so that sucks.
We are due to launch Primary School TV this year which aims at providing early years and KS1/2 pupils with learning content from various content providers including Teachers TV, BBC and from aggregated sites such as Youtube.
So who can take up this slack in providing CPD? Vital and Naace both good choices.
Could Teachers TV exist as a business model without any external funding? I actually think this is a better model. It will push Teachers TV into a global landscape and that makes sense. Expect to see lots of Ads on Teachers TV (See the Dave TV channel for reference).
Reference: Guardian article – Government pulls plug on Teachers TV.
What do you think? Is this a cut too far/deep?