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21 Things That Will Become Obsolete in Education by 2020 (a response to @teachpaperless)

Some of @teachpaperless points were not relevant to Primary School or I did not feel comfortable responding to them so I have missed them out, here is my update (my update in italic)

1. Desks
The 21st century does not fit neatly into rows. Neither should your students. Allow the network-based concepts of flow, collaboration, and dynamism help you rearrange your room for authentic 21st century learning.
I doubt desks will become obselete, however the amount of desks will decline by 30/40%
2. Language Labs
Foreign language acquisition is only a smartphone away. Get rid of those clunky desktops and monitors and do something fun with that room.
3. Computers
Ok, so this is a trick answer. More precisely this one should read: ‘Our concept of what a computer is’. Because computing is going mobile and over the next decade we’re going to see the full fury of individualized computing via handhelds come to the fore. Can’t wait.
4. Homework
The 21st century is a 24/7 environment. And the next decade is going to see the traditional temporal boundaries between home and school disappear. And despite whatever Secretary Duncan might say, we don’t need kids to ‘go to school’ more; we need them to ‘learn’ more. And this will be done 24/7 and on the move (see #3).
7. Fear of Wikipedia
Wikipedia is the greatest democratizing force in the world right now. If you are afraid of letting your students peruse it, it’s time you get over yourself.
Agree’d, but without the getting over yourself part ;P
8. Paperbacks
Books were nice. In ten years’ time, all reading will be via digital means. And yes, I know, you like the ‘feel’ of paper. Well, in ten years’ time you’ll hardly tell the difference as ‘paper’ itself becomes digitized.
No doubt here… Agree’d
9. Attendance Offices
Bio scans. ‘Nuff said.
10. Lockers.
A coat-check, maybe.
I don’t agree, where can you store your mobile device whilst doing Physical Education or Sport? I think personal space is still important, have you ever met any middle school girls?
11. IT Departments
Ok, so this is another trick answer. More subtly put: IT Departments as we currently know them. Cloud computing and a decade’s worth of increased wifi and satellite access will make some of the traditional roles of IT — software, security, and connectivity — a thing of the past. What will IT professionals do with all their free time? Innovate. Look to tech departments to instigate real change in the function of schools over the next twenty years.
12. Centralized Institutions
School buildings are going to become ‘homebases’ of learning, not the institutions where all learning happens. Buildings will get smaller and greener, student and teacher schedules will change to allow less people on campus at any one time, and more teachers and students will be going out into their communities to engage in experiential learning.
I’m not so sure about this in Primary School Education. Maybe by 2030/40 but not 2020
13. Organization of Educational Services by Grade
Education over the next ten years will become more individualized, leaving the bulk of grade-based learning in the past. Students will form peer groups by interest and these interest groups will petition for specialized learning. The structure of K-12 will be fundamentally altered.
Possibly in secondary/FE but not in Primary
15. Paid/Outsourced Professional Development
No one knows your school as well as you. With the power of a PLN in their backpockets, teachers will rise up to replace peripatetic professional development gurus as the source of schoolwide prof dev programs. This is already happening.
17. Parent-Teacher Conference Night
Ongoing parent-teacher relations in virtual reality will make parent-teacher conference nights seem quaint. Over the next ten years, parents and teachers will become closer than ever as a result of virtual communication opportunities. And parents will drive schools to become ever more tech integrated.
18. Typical Cafeteria Food
Nutrition information + handhelds + cost comparison = the end of $3.00 bowls of microwaved mac and cheese. At least, I so hope so.
Agree’d but tech isn’t needed to help kids make nutritious meal descisions
19. Outsourced Graphic Design and Webmastering
You need a website/brochure/promo/etc.? Well, for goodness sake just let your kids do it. By the end of the decade — in the best of schools — they will be.
21. Paper
In ten years’ time, schools will decrease their paper consumption by no less than 90%. And the printing industry and the copier industry and the paper industry itself will either adjust or perish.

Top 5 microphones to use in a Primary School Classroom

Before you get a mic, check to see if your monitor or netbook/laptop has one built in.

5. Use the microphone on your netbook / laptop.
This will not give you high quality audio recording and you may struggle if the room is full of kids. Most devices now have microphones built and you may even be able to use your speakers to record the sound if quality is not an issue.

The Logitech headset is a standard microphone with average to good audio recording quality. The common problem with headsets such as this is that the wires often get tangled/chewed. A headset also allows the child to have personal audio output space which is useful when working on individual audio projects. Read this guide to keep your headphone wires free from tangles.

3. The Leapfrog Learn and Grove Microphone from £10
This is a microphone for pre school . It does not allow you to record to a PC. This microphone is designed to instil confidence, increase social skills and stimulate a child’s senses. It is not USB or powered by any device so requires 3x AA batteries.

A desk microphone tends to be an ideal solution if your static ICT learning location such as an ICT suite. Desk Microphones are good for recording up to 2 people and tend not to get as damaged as head sets. The audio quality is similar to that of a head set mic with no real ability to cancel out background noise.

1. TTS EasiSpeak – £30+

No wires, no fuss. No direct sound recording onto websites/software etc. This microphone is the most simple of the above to use. Simply press record, say what you have to say then hit play and instantly get audible feedback. Once you have recorded what you want to say and you are happy you plug the microphone directly into your laptop/netbook/pc and use the audio file however you want. The microphone comes with a copy of audacity on the USB stick ready to install (very easy process). The main disadvantage to this device is you cannot use it to directly record audio onto any websites so creating voki’s and other broadcasting methods can be slightly more tricky.