I wrote a quick little script that turns all my open github issues onto clickable links..
Copy paste the below into githubIssues.js:
// Edit me var username = "YOURUSERNAME"; var password = "YOURPASSWORD"; // stop Editing! var gittub = require("node-github"); var github = new gittub({version: "3.0.0"}); github.authenticate({ type: "basic", username: username, password: password }); github.issues.getAll({ user: "JohnMcLear", filter: "subscribed", per_page: 100, sort: "created", direction: "asc" }, function(err, res) { for(var issueKey in res){ var issue = res[issueKey]; var line = "<p class='issue'>"; line += issue.created_at + " "; if(issue.repository) line += issue.repository.full_name + " "; line += "<a target='_blank' href='"+issue.html_url+"'>"; line += issue.title+"</a>"; line += "</p>"; if(issue.title) console.log(line); } });
Edit your username and password then type:
npm install node-github
node githubIssues.js > issues.html
Open issues.html in your web browser..
Limitations: Max 100 issues due to Github API limit.