Today we’re happy to announce a 70% reduction in the price of PrimaryPad and a 50% reduction in the price of PrimaryWall. Both prices have reduced significantly as we have massively improved our efficiency and reduced our costs of providing these services. Enjoy!
Author: primaryt
SchoolEmail/PrimaryEmail Scheduled maintainence
We are currently performing some scheduled maintenance on the Primary Email and School Email service. Normal service should be resumed within an hour.
Primarywall Pro accounts are now available!
Good news everyone! Our amazingly popular service PrimaryWall now has pro accounts available so you can extend functionality and provide a personalized experience! So what’s new?
Schools can now register their own subdomain for PrimaryWall for example
Change font
We have provided 16 beautiful fonts, when you change a font it instantly changes for everyone else too!
Password protect walls
By default pro accounts are only accessible by Wall owners, the owner can then set a password so pupils can access a specific wall.
Change background
Safe Search have provided us with 8 topical backgrounds that you can apply, there is an also a blank background so you can get more a focus on the notes. When you change the background it automatically updates on everyone else’s wall.
Easy wall embed
Easy embed of walls means you can keep your kids in your safe blog/learning platform environment while still using PrimaryWall. This works with an iframe embed code which is supported by all good platforms. Here are some instructions on how to embed PrimaryWall on PrimaryBlogger
Save walls for longer than 30 days
Phone support
First 6 months are free then only £30 per year, Sign up now
How to embed PrimaryWall in PrimaryBlogger
1. Login to your PrimaryWall pro account wall
2. Click Share
3. Select the embed code and right click, copy.
4. Goto PrimaryBlogger and login
5. Create a new post.
6. Click HTML [top right of edit box]
7. Right click in the edit box and click Paste.
8. Click Publish.
Note: Make sure your Security options are set correctly.
Note: You can adjust the width/height so it looks great in your blog. Below is an example:
PrimaryBlogger stability
Primaryblogger’s stability should now be 100%. The bug that we isolated was due to a rogue plugin and some compression being applied without our consent. Apologies for the slightly rough 24 hours. We have learned a lot while applying the required fix (rm stupidfilename.php) and we will be having some strong words with the developer.
We feel it’s important to stress that we host over 2000 school blogs on PrimaryBlogger and we have a lot of complex technology in place to ensure we can offer the service free of charge. PrimaryBlogger is far from being an “out of the box” or self hosted wordpress solution. Here is a video explaining a problem we had previously and a bit about the infrastrucure we have in place to deliver your blogs!