Testing Etherpad Lite

We have recently partnered with SauceLabs to provide a testing framework for Etherpad Lite. This framework currently supports browser only tests and must be run in Selenium or on the Sauce Labs onDemand service.

If you require a key please get in touch and we will provide you one.

Here is a video that explains How to get started running and writing tests.

I want to encourage everyone to start forking, writing tests and issuing pull requests to the feature/selenium branch

Have fun and live strong beef rangers.

Talking to a PrimaryPad

Inclusion and accessibility are right up on the agenda here at Primary Technology and today we have been able to tick a really big box by including Speech to Text support on Pads in PrimaryPad. Real time collaboration without a keyboard in this world with a penetration of mobile and tablet factor devices is a really nice feature and we’re really proud of our contributions to Etherpad Lite which have made this possible.

At current Speech to Text is only available in Google Chrome however over the next few months we expect to see other browsers adopting this fantastic input method! Enjoy!

Try it for yourself on a Pad at PrimaryPad <– make sure to use Google Chrome