Publishing to Npm on Git commit using Github Hooks and Travis

Travis-CI can auto “npm publish” your git repo to npmjs, this means that whenever you commit to your github repository your software is always updated and available to users via npm update. This should also work with pull requests so no need to jump onto CLI After a merge, just hit merge and after a few minutes / hours you should see your application updated on npmjs.

Step 1.

Create Travis-CI account, ideally signing in with your github account.

Step 2.

Find the repository you want to auto publish on the Travis Web interface (under your profile) and click Enable.

Step 3.

Install Ruby Gems

sudo apt-get install rubygems

Step 4.

Install travis CLI gem and json gem

sudo gem install json
gem install travis

Step 5.

Create a .travis.yml file in the root of your repository that looks like this (replacing your email)

language: node_js
  provider: npm

Step 6.

Get your npmjs api key and copy it into the clip board (Copy the bit after the _auth =)

cat ~/.npmrc | grep _auth

Step 7.

Run the Travis CI secret key generator

travis encrypt --add deploy.api_key

When prompted paste your APIKey then hit Control D, don’t add an additional line break or enter.

Step 8.

Add, Commit and Push the new .travis.yml file, this will trigger a build on Travis

git add .travis.yml && git commit -m "Travis auto publish config" && git push

Step 9.

Head over to your Travis page and wait for your build to begin, if it doesn’t it’s likely you didn’t push correctly up to github.

Doing lots of packages?

You will only need to complete steps 5 to 9 on future packages (assuming you enabled them on travis)

Some good stuff

Every now and again I write about some good stuff, here is my latest good stuff.

Whiteboard paint

I use whiteboard paint in my office, I have written about it before, it’s still really useful. I specifically use Rust-Oleum Dry Erase Whiteboard Paint, you can buy it online or at homebase in the UK.

Nokia 925 & Huwaei ascend

It’s kinda shocking Microsoft get a product in my “good stuff” list but it’s not the operating system that makes the 925 a useful phone, it’s purely the hardware. Putting Android on a 925 would by far make it the best phone on the market. The Huweai ascend is my daily driver, it’s a great phone all round.

Gore-tex jacket

I hate to admit it but this jacket is pretty epic, I have taken it into a bunch of wild scenarios and it has stood up each time. Well worth the cost.

SDR Kits Spectrum analyzer

Not for everyone.. I use spectrum analyzers to anaylze the frequency of some electronics components I work with, the SDR-Kits one I’m using is way below the price of most on the market but does a great job.

DT 770 Pros

These headphones are great if you spend a long time in front of a computer or working at a desk, the sound quality is unmatched and the price point is fair.


Oomlout isn’t actually stuff, it’s a place, an experience and a part of any good journey. Oomlout is technically speaking a warehouse full of electronics and bits for hackers and makers, if this sounds like you, you should visit.

Digital door lock and key

So I’m kinda bias here but really, having the digital door lock and using the NFC Ring to unlock it has been useful, it’s not like it’s a gimmick any more, it’s part of my daily life and I’m safer and less inconvenienced now than I was before, I guess that is the intention of any invention and this one ticks the boxes.

NFC Ring in numbers so far

Funds spent: £74,232
Funds raised: £117,938
Backers: 4,124
Days to go: 20
Rings to make: 4,412
KS Comments: 179
KS Messages: 712
Direct Emails: 187
Edits to KS campaign: 84
TV Interviews: 1
Radio Interviews: 4
Blog / Printed Press Interviews: 3
Meetings RE Sales: 12
Iterations of product: 827
Youtube Subscribers (NFCRing): 293
Youtube Subscribers (johnyma22): 100
Youtube Views (NFCRing): 14,000
Youtube Views (johnyma22): 112,042
Videos from third parties demoing item: 3
Links in from external sources: 37
Articles / Blogs discussing NFC Ring: 181,244 Unique Views: 16,429
BuySellAd impressions: 2,285,676
BuySellAd CTR: 0.03%
Flights Booked: 12
Trains Booked: 4

Major issues:
* KS Failed payments
* Prototype delays for TV Interview
* Lack of Performance from Buy Sell Ads – 0.03% Avg Click Through…
* Lack of time to write or share anything.

Notable Awesomeness:
* ROI from Reddit Ads.
* Lots of supportive tweets
* Lots of supportive press/media
* Lots of support and positive reviews from people who got demo rings.

Further Kickstarter stats so far:
Direct traffic (no referrer information) External 924 21.95% £25,938
Technology (Discover) Kickstarter 556 13.51% £15,962 External 396 9.48% £11,197.68 External 284 7.29% £8,612.10 External 165 4.03% £4,766.50
Search Kickstarter 167 3.89% £4,588

After a year of hard work my kickstarter is live!


And with a £20 offer for early birds you would be insane not to buy an NFC Ring!

Many of you will have seen me with various weird looking prototypes on my finger over the last year and a lot of you probably thought I had reached the point of insanity way before my time, there were moments when I questioned this myself.. Probably the scariest moment was when I stepped down as the Managing Director of Primary Technology and invested most of my savings into a product that has never been proven and at that point I had only researched for a few months.

Why Kickstarter?

Once we started doing advertising (before kickstarter) we had 2 offers to capital fund the project.

One we had approached directly and we knew before the project started he was the guy we wanted on board so a flight over to SF, a calligrapher written letter and several dozen emails later and we had funding, more than we needed actually which gave us some additional marketing funds. Getting this funding was just the bump we needed. Anyway I basically sold 16% of the company for our funds, I’d of given a higher % probably mostly because the person involved is a good person and has the right mentality when it comes to the tech industry.

The other offer was a little less desirable and came after we secured more than enough funding, so that begs the question.. Why sacrifice 10% of the budget to kickstarter when we could have just launched directly? Kickstarter to me is more about building communities than it is raising cash, it’s also about validating products. Both of these things are key, without them the Ring is nothing, so the Kickstarter was right, VC funding is also nice and to be honest without the VC funding to help pay for prototype and testing we wouldn’t have been able to Kickstart.

Stepping into the unknown

NFC Rings aren’t like a normal product.. There is absolutely no way I can/could tell if people wanted function and form in jewelry, the only thing I could find that was a similar movement was the move from bracelets/bands to wrist watches.. There is a huge risk the NFC Ring is way ahead of it’s time and that my product might not be the one that proves to be widely adopted but I do feel that having technology embedded into a ring is the right thing to do.

Going for broke

My overall investment in this product is enough to make my eyes water so I don’t want to go too much into finances but safe to say it’s been close and only actually doable thanks to loans from schools (3d printer), investors (audrey) and the people I have worked with (Tanya, Chris B, Gareth, Don C, Filmaj, Chris & Rich, Tom, Chris (Yuan), Mark, Zero, William, Adam S).. A lot of people have put a lot of hard work into this project and most of the time on a relatively tight budget for what we have accomplished, they deserve a lot of gratitude and credit.

What happens during the campaign?

During the kickstart campaign we will be working hard trying to build up support, funding and also adding final touches such as deciding with the community on the look of the kickstarter exclusive limited edition ring.. we expect a lot of questions

So what’s next for John?

Well assuming we hit our targets we have stretch goals for up to about £300k then after that we’re into the unknown and probably into rounds of funding, I hope we don’t go that far actually because I’d like to have some breathing time for the community to speak their mind and get involved in the project.. Tanya will be leading the project as she has a real solid understanding of our goals and a good mentality to continue growth..

Buy an NFC Ring, they are frigging awesome!