Collaborative drawing with Etherdraw

Today Etherdraw hit Version 2, major noticeable difference is that edits are now saved and visible on reload.

Collaborative drawings are now way faster, more reliable and it should be easier for future development.

It’s really cool how much my projects are now being maintained by other people and I’m really grateful for their efforts and time. At the same time I’m glad I chose open source 🙂


Have a play – remember to invite / join someone else and draw collaboratively, it’s a bit boring by yourself 🙂

Developers visit the git repo.

Google STILL fund Paedophile’s resource website

It’s amazing that Sparklebox still exists, it’s old news that the owner is a convicted paedophile.

Adverts provided by Google are even more obvious and prominent on the site with the front page alone containing 5+ adverts. The site even provides malware that will change your search provider and possibly install spyware, in a nutshell the website is toxic and anyone using it is taking huge risks.

It’s time for Google to take action, supporting this site with revenue shouldn’t be an option and it should be a non-issue to stop allowing the site to obtain revenue after committing the crimes the owner has committed.

You can use this form to encourage Google to take action

Introducing Slideshows in Etherpad


Today I’m releasing a new slideshow plugin for Etherpad. The slideshow tool allows you to view your pad contents in slideshow format and is useful for presentations. The slideshow plugin serves as an alternative for Microsoft powerpoint, Presi and other presentation tools.

Slideshow content is updated in real time so it’s great to get audience participation in a pad.

Try it out yourself or by installing ep_slideshow, creating a pad , click the settings icon then click Slideshow checkbox.