Safe Search now supports netbooks

Today when I was at Wilsden Primary school I witnessed a child opening safe search on a toshiba netbook and I was ashamed how bad it looked. This was because the netbook was at 800×600 resolution.

Now when you browse to safe search it auto detects your resolution and gives you the appropriate content meaning that netbook users can now enjoy safe search in all its glory πŸ™‚ huraa.

5 Fantastic Internet / E-Safety resources – #education

Safer Practice with Technology – For adults working in schools, this document covers using technology as a communication tool in professional relationships, protecting adults from minteration of behvaiour and understanding personal and professional boundaries.

North Yorkshire County Council – E-safety Links and Resources ––April-09-%3Frefid%3D18007 – This site is a selection of recommended sites to use to delivery E-Safety in schools.

Internet Safety @ Next Generation Learning – – Here you will find links to lots of resources on internet safety. The content is aimed at both home and school and has resources for parents and children.

E-safety week – I love this idea. E-Safety can affect every aspect of our lives so to introduce it across an entire week seems fantastic. This site is made by Oldham and provides a framework for other LA’s to do similar exercises.

Primary School Safe Search – A google powered safe search engine that gets educational results more accurately. Great for setting as pupils and teachers home page. I like this site because it’s not so much a teaching resource as a learning aid.

Summer web surfing for pupils at home

Over the summer holidays your kids may want to use the internet and they may ask you about some good sites to visit or you may want to give them a few.

I recommend this site because it is a great starting place for gaming, collaborating and searching.
The easiest way to access the site is to give the child the URL or to ask them to google “School Safe Search
Enjoy the summer everyone πŸ™‚

Mission Accomplished :)

Woohoo, after several months of development work the new Primary School Safe Search site is live at

If you have your browsers home page set to then it will automatically redirect you to the new site. You might want to change your browsers home page, this is available on the bottom right hand side of the page πŸ™‚

Glad it’s finished, next project is PGA πŸ™‚