What is Flame Painter? Thanks to @AngeRichie Making firework pictures?? Flame Painter is Fab and free!
Category: Primary School ICT
Primary Games Arena Web2 tool
My open apology to Bradford Schools
A few years ago I got caught up in something shameful, something that damaged education, something that I have to apologize for and get if off my chest.
While employed at Primary Technology I was invited in to schools to talk about VLEs and learning platforms. During these consultancy sessions I gave the impression that Learning Platforms were a legal requirement and that by having a learning platform or learning environment they would get reviewed by OFSTED. Unfortunately that just isn’t the case. I was under the impression from a certain company that this was the truth, I should of done my homework and for that I am sorry!
A lot of bad actually came from schools adopting learning platforms, mostly the mentality that one web tool provided a complete working solution for their schools web based needs. The way I see it is that a Learning platform is the fast food of the internet. It’s missing nutrients, condensed, gives you what a company thinks you need and needs to include a toy engage the kids. The advantage of fast food is that you often know what you are going to get so it’s predictable, easy, obvious… Applying a factory model to education is exactly what Sir Ken Robinson would not want.
The notion that one web based tool was challenged early on and the notion of the “VLE is dead” came about. VLE’s and Learning platforms providers are finding their place, mostly as an overpriced file repository but hey ho, at least they have come to the understanding they can’t provide everything a school needs.
Thankfully Bradford schools realized quickly that the fast food approach wasn’t working and so did the authority so a large number of schools adopted a fresh food approach to providing web based tools into schools, not providing a prescriptive recipe but a wide range of tools and options. I would say that CLC’s were responsible for this fresh thinking approach, I wonder who will take this roll in the future with the demise of CLCs..
This skill based fragmentation means we have farmers of web based products cultivating skills in different schools with different groups of kids and therefor in Bradford we have a wide range of skills on lots of different tools and platforms. We by no means have a solution that works for every school but we have an understanding that by trying to turn any web based tool into a “solution” is damaging for the kids diet.
We have some schools we work with that have been really frustrated with their (local) Learning platform provider that have charged them a fortune but not delivered on the promises made. My plea is if you work for a learning platform provider please stop selling your platform as the only solution the school needs and provide it as a tool that complements a vast number of fantastic free web services available on the internet.
My Teachmeet tale
This is a short tale that will tell you exactly why people like me need to go to Teachmeets.
I rocked up at Teachmeet, flyers out, brain on, willing to listen. The talks were all great and then @largerama got up and showed something similar to PrimaryWall. Brilliant, I thought, because it wasn’t as nice as PrimaryWall but he showed 2 features PrimaryWall doesn’t have!! Oh noes!! Export to Wordle and another one that is coming soon, sssh(secrets)! Anyway.. Long story short, I was at TM on Thursday, I did 30 minutes implementing the new wordle feature today and it’s now live… 30 minutes!! That’s all it takes for a great idea to end up on a great platform.. Kudos to @Largerama, he is a genie’s bum!
The functionality is available for both pro and basic accounts. PrimaryT will make a formal announcement later this week hopefully once all the CSS is polished etc.
What Microsoft’s purchase of Skype means for Primary Schools
Microsoft’s $8.5bn purchase of Skype has raised a few eyebrows, but we don’t care about most peoples, what we care about is how this purchase will affect Primary Schools. In this post I am going to try to summarize the real life impacts of such a purchase and how you should consider using Skype in the classroom.
Things we can expect:
- Skype will come bundled with Windows 8.
- Open source & tech folks will stop using Skype and begin looking at alternatives.
- Google will be panicking.
- Windows Mobile 8 will have a big emphasis on VOIP connectivity
- Microsoft will attempt to play a bigger part in mobile data connectivity
- Skype and the VOIP stuff used for Xbox Live will be integrated
- You will be able to Sign into Skype using your XBLA or Microsoft.com/Live.com account
Microsoft will use Skypes deep telco contracts to leverage cheaper mobile communications. With all these new connections and contracts it is conceivable Microsoft will partner with a manufacturer to provide a data connected laptop/netbook using the Amazon Kindle model of data. The kindle model of data is basically a pay once, use forever but it has recently been announced this is likely to be subsidized by adverts appearing on your device. You should seriously think about where you stand on Ads in the Primary School Classroom. I think the potential use of these “light internet use netbook devices” could be perfect but basic net browsing however they won’t be suitable for 5+ pupils in the same classroom browsing “rich-content”, whatever that is in 3-10 years time.
If you are interested in e-Safety then I would say that now is a great time to have a really good think about the e-safety risks that Skype poses, especially if it is going to be installed natively on Microsoft Windows devices. Skype has the same e-safety challenges of Facebook, it just gets less attention because it currently isn’t as widely adopted.
You may be wondering if you should sign up for the Skype in the Classroom and I would say go ahead, it’s unlikely Microsoft will lose this battle in the same way they lost[/committed suicide] the MSN battle. Skype was running at a loss and Microsoft has basically “bailed it out” and given it a long future. At Primary Technology we use Skype as our main source of voice communication and we have no plan to leave it as it provides great value. We will leave Skype is a good, open source source, distributed telco connected solution appears, I doubt that though.
So to summarize.. We are one step closer to getting 4G connected Windows devices, we have an elevated e-safety issue to address, Microsoft own yet another part of your life.