Safe Search gets an earth day snail

Today I added a snail banner to the safe search page to promote a move towards using ICT as an embedded tool and to move away from the standard wasteful paper based approach of sharing information.


Before I run into a flak of teachers accusing me of a Zionist approach to education I will say that paper has its place and that ICT shouldn’t have to be used in every lesson.  I am merely trying to help promote something I believe in.  It will be removed on the 25th when Earth day has finished.  More information on Earth day and more information on the pledge to go paperless for the day.

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Interactive Educational Volcano Games


I have submitted some volcano games to Primary Games Arena.  Click here to see a list of Flash Volcano Games that can be used in Primary School lessons and home.  I was hoping I could have a widget wrote today that would include all the games inline on this blog post but I keep getting distracted by people wanting to use my laptop to check their flights are still flying.

The games are here.

Earth day – a call to photoshoppers for help!

Compiled chiefly from
Image via Wikipedia

UPDATE: This has now been done by Stuart Ridout – My thanks goes to him and Shelly Black-Plock for helping.

Hey all, because I’m stuck in Morocco I need help making a new background to go onto Safe Search tomorrow. Usually I use photoshop and design a new background.

Here is a link to some example backgrounds I use at current and in the past:
Winter 800×600
Spring 1140×713
Spring 950×713

The idea for the backgound is to encourage teachers to go paperless for the day for Earth day.

If you have photoshop and can help please create one image at 1140×713 and one at 800×600, the image should not have any content behind the search “buttons” as seen on Safe Search.

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Tim Rylands presentation at Games Based Learning

Tim is a great presenter, sit back end enjoy.

Usually when we talk about Games based learning we expect that children will be the consumers of the game, not the creators. With more creativity coming into the new primary curriculum it will be interesting to see how classrooms:

  1. Become creative
  2. Decide on a target audience for their creations
  3. Publish their creativity
  4. Get assessed on their creative outpu

I hope that within the next 5 years pupils will be making their own games of a high enough quality and engagement for us to share on Primary Games Arena

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