I wanted to make a nagios check for the OWL energy meter.
First thing to note, don’t run any of the owl stuff while trying to run the check.
Secondly, I included the source so feel free to use Visual C# to hack it.
Third thing is, well, the OWL sensor software is very slow to respond, infact if you don’t get any response from it after a few minutes I recommend turning the kettle on. The check may take up to 10 minutes (how lame is that?) so I recommend you increase your time outs.
Finally I’m not familiar with Visual Studio, that’s why I did so little in Windows. I just wanted an output I could work with in a nice dark environment.
The check in bin\release\sensorapp.exe waits for a signal from the transmitter then echos it to command line. Do with it what you will. I’m pulling it into a simple .bat file.
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