Video Chat on Etherpad gets an upgrade

Today I pushed my new version of the Tokbox plugin for Etherpad.

Tokbox gives you the ability to have video chats on pads. To enable video chat you will have to install the plugin by visiting /admin/plugins on your etherpad deployment and searching for tokbox.

So What’s new?

  1. More user control such as enable/disable video chat.
  2. Site admins to specify their Tokbox key
  3. Better support for “Page View”
  4. Many UI bugfixes
  5. A nice icon for controlling Video Chat


Don’t know what Etherpad is? Check out PrimaryPad

Etherpad: Error raised: Error: listen EADDRINUSE

This error is caused by the port you are trying to listen on is already in use (possibly by Etherpad or another piece of software)

In this case port 9001 was already in use.

To fix this make sure all other instances of etherpad lite are stopped then restart Etherpad Lite.

If the problem still persists try to change the port in settings.json and then restart Etherpad Lite.

Exporting or Viewing a saved revision in Etherpad

A saved revision is created by clicking the STAR button however they are periodically created too.

To access a saved revision add the number of the saved revision you would like to see IE To export the text:

Change the number IE 2 in this case to 6 if you want to access the sixth revision.


Using git flow to release new version

Using git flow to release a new version of software enables developers to easily switch between releases to locate bugs and/or introduce new features.

In this example we are releasing version 1.1.4.

NOTE TO SELF: Remember to bump the version in src/packages.json

# debian/ubuntu only
apt-get install git-flow

# checkout the development branch
git checkout develop

# first time only, accept defaults
git flow init

# start the release process
# note the releases-1.1.4 bit, this should be 1.1.4 only but I'm following the pattern of Etherpad Lite
git flow release start 1.1.4

# publish the release to a new release branch
git flow release publish 1.1.4

Check everything fully one last time IE packages.json and let travis run it’s tests..

git flow release finish 1.2.4
git push origin master --tags

Now in root do

make docs

then copy the out/doc folder to repo doc/vx.x.x folder

mv out/doc/ ../

create the windows binary


copy the last 10 digits of the sha from git log to the end of the windows package file name before .zip

put this .zip in the folder and commit / push that.

Upgrading Etherpad if you installed with Git

/etc/init.d/etherpad-lite stop
git pull
/etc/init.d/etherpad-lite start

If you installed from the tar ball then grab the latest tar and extract it over your current install.

Make sure you always back up your dirty.db if you use that.

As far as database migrations we are hoping that the current schema wont need any modifications, if so we will try to handle this with upgrade scripts that will run automatically.