Difference between Kidrex and Primary School Safe Search?

I wanted to explain how Primary School Safe Search is different from Kidrex.

1. Primary School Safe Search does NOT display adverts.
2. Primary School Safe Search has a large database of websites it prioritises as search results meaning you are more likely to find the correct educational content.
3. Primary School Safe Search has a large database of websites that are excluded from search results, these include violent and explicit sites. These sites are not usually filtered with a standard safe search.
Both are built on Google CSE.

5 Fantastic Internet / E-Safety resources – #education

Safer Practice with Technologyhttp://www.kenttrustweb.org.uk/UserFiles/CW/File/Advisory_Service_ICT/E-Safety/SaferPracticeWithTechnology-260509.pdf – For adults working in schools, this document covers using technology as a communication tool in professional relationships, protecting adults from minteration of behvaiour and understanding personal and professional boundaries.

North Yorkshire County Council – E-safety Links and Resources – http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1dk37/esafetyApril09/resources/index.htm?referrerUrl=http://www.yudu.com/item/details/74728/e-safety–April-09-%3Frefid%3D18007 – This site is a selection of recommended sites to use to delivery E-Safety in schools.

Internet Safety @ Next Generation Learning – http://www.nextgenerationlearning.org.uk/At-Home/Internet-safety/ – Here you will find links to lots of resources on internet safety. The content is aimed at both home and school and has resources for parents and children.

E-safety weekhttp://www.esafetyweek.info/ – I love this idea. E-Safety can affect every aspect of our lives so to introduce it across an entire week seems fantastic. This site is made by Oldham and provides a framework for other LA’s to do similar exercises.

Primary School Safe Searchhttp://primaryschoolict.com/ – A google powered safe search engine that gets educational results more accurately. Great for setting as pupils and teachers home page. I like this site because it’s not so much a teaching resource as a learning aid.