This simple real time collaborative word game is very scrabble eque without the complications of double and tripple words. Each round is very fast and lots of fun!
Author: primaryt
Elgg Etherpad Lite plugin
Great news everybody! efault has written an elgg etherpad lite plugin !
Safe Search on the Bradford Learning Network
Today we rolled out a new feature for Bradford Learning Network(BLN) schools that we hope to roll out to other Broadband providers.
Regional Broadband consortiums such as the BLN purchase curriculum focused resources for their customers. We found that a number of schools were not aware of the resources they had access to so we decided to add a links section to safe search that will be displayed when any computer on the Bradford Learning Network accesses safe search.
The links direct the users to the single sign on link of their specific resource and have the Shibboleth WAYF set.
You can directly link to to access it from home.
If you would like similar functionality for your RBC or LA then please get in touch!
Technical note: We automatically detect the location of the visitor IE schools from the Bradford Learning Network just visit and get the appropriate links. We do this based on IP address of the visitor
Pictograph tool: New features
We’re please to announce some new features in to our pictograph creation tool.
1. Flip pictograph from vertical to horizontal
2. Set count to 0
3. Preview response prior to click
Make your own pictogram with the Primary Technology Free online Pictogram creator