This Saturday in my City Centre (Bradford)

PASADENA, CA - OCTOBER 15:  People ascend an e...
A racist group of people are protesting or doing something, police are guarding them.

The general word on the street is most normal people will be avoiding the city.

What happens when people avoid the city?  Retail sales go down.

Who owns the retail outlets in Bradford?  White people.

Perfect circle of fail 🙂 GG EDL.

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Making Etherpad content indexable by Search Engines

Engineering drawing of a binocular spy-glass

Etherpad contents very rarely shows up on Search results.  But with forums and wikis moving over to it I wanted to find a way to give etherpad a bit of an SEO edge..

Firstly I looked at the twitterstyletags plugin which creates an rss feed or all pads..  This is a perfect solution for a sitemap so that’s that box ticked 🙂

Next I knew that Etherpad served pad contents in an iframe so I looked at better ways to get content for search engines to index.  Etherpad includes Read only versions of each pad, these read only versions push the content to the user without displaying it in an iframe so it is a perfect fix for the problem.

My final step will be to find someone to modify the twitterstyletags plugin RSS feed to create a sitemap.xml and to create a plugin that allows users to easily link back from read only versions to currently active pads.