Configuring Shibboleth SP 2 on CentOS to the ukfederation w/ Godaddy certs

Part 2. Shibboleth Config (6 hours)

cd /etc/shibboleth

Edit shibboleth2.xml

Replace all instances of with your Entity ID ie

Search for ApplicationDefaults

Add homeURL=”” under entityID – homeURL is the first url of the resource if none is specified.

Search for <sessions

Before the default example (Reading Default example directs to a speci… ” Insert:

<SessionInitiator isDefault="true" id="UKFederation" Location="/WAYF/UKFederation" 
type="WAYF" defaultACSIndex="5" 

Search for exportLocation

Under exportLocation replace http://localhost with https://localhost

Replace all instances of root@localhost with the technical support email address

Search for MetadataProvider

This bit gets messy so pay close attention…..

After the line reading Insert
<MetadataProvider type="XML"


backingFilePath="/etc/shibboleth/ukfederation-metadata.xml" reloadInterval="14400">

<MetadataFilter type="RequireValidUntil" maxValidityInterval="2592000"/>

<SignatureMetadataFilter certificate="ukfederation.pem"/>


Search for the line Delete it or comment it out.

Directly below it paste the following:

/etc/shibboleth/sp.key /etc/shibboleth/sp.crt

Don’t forget to replace yourpassword with your key password if you have set one!

For now we are done in shibboleth2.xml

Run ./ to generate your new key pair

mv sp-key.pem sp.key
mv sp-cert.pem sp.crt

Now we must configure Apache for shibboleth