Turns out that zemanta sucks. Don’t use it.
Category: Primary School ICT
New TTS Classroom microphone for kids to use
This new TTS microphone for classroom use has the usual handy USB port on the bottom and easy record/playback of last clip. I did find using it a bit fiddly and some of the buttons feel super tacky. Great choice for KS2! Not sure on availability/price. Want to see other options? Check out my top 5 microphones for classroom use.
EPSON 450Wi projector “don’t impress me much”..
Of course I’m at the risk of sounding like Shania Twain but with so much hype and such high expectations for this device I was a bit dissapointed. I found the pen to be too heavy for all day use, it is about 4x the weight of a Promethean pen and at £150 for a replacement pen my eyes did water a little..
When using the board close up the reflected glare from a normal dry wipe board is so extreme that is hurt my head after only a few minutes. The device I used the Projector on was very slow to pick up the driver and in some instances it had to be started manually, I’m not sure if this is an installation error or an error with the software that is shipped with the device.
This projector could save the average classroom over £1000 plus the maintenance cost of the board so it could be a much more cost effective solution. I also found that the projector I was using was incredibly blury in the bottom left corner, the rest of the projected image was fine. See picture below:
*UPDATE: On the projector their is a manual focus just by the lens. This fixes the blurring – This is not well documented by Epson.
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Net book or Nintendo DSi in a primary classroom
You could buy 2 DS’ to each Netbook.
DS console = £100
Netbook = £220
Wireless = £100 (average cost per classroom)