e-safe Education

My Local Authority are rolling out a trial of e-Safe education to all subscribing schools.  I think it’s fair to first get out of the way that I think it is a sad world when we need to monitor individuals activities at such a granular level.  But that’s my opinion and it’s not relevant in the context of my review.

So what is it?

e-Safe Education is a managed service that allows schools to monitor for inappropriate use and abuse when using the schools technology.  The idea behind the managed service is that it detects potential misuse by detecting keywords and phrases, abuse imagery, nudity and then informs the pupil/teacher that what they are doing is perhaps putting themselves at risk and/or not included in the schools acceptable usage policy.  The software runs on all school devices, laptops, net-books etc and (this bit is important) can be turned off at 4pm or whenever.

I would recommend parents check with the person responsible for safe guarding pupils inside their schools to find out exactly what is monitored  to ensure they are fully aware of any privacy issues.

e-Safe Education Monitors keystrokes local to the computer, your keystrokes are not sent to a managed service which is nice, all of the detection is done against a local library designed to protect children which is regularly updated.

Keywords are customized at School &/or LA level so you can include local dialects and you can include customizable alerts on keywords.  IE if a pupil types fanny, you can display an alert(“Is this appropriate?”).  If a pupil types in cock-head you can display a more, erm, serious, alert..

The application works online and offline.  Schools can assign an Acceptable usage policy at the beginning of a session using the Internet, so we need to educate kids & teachers to log out.  Though the software does allow you to log the computer off automatically so as to help the reduce the the chance of somebody doing something on another users Login.  The application doesn’t use an excessive amount of resources, in fact it’s footprint is relatively low for the amount of work it is doing, with this in mind you shouldn’t find the application slowing down your user experience at all.

Images are scanned with a nudity detection tool and blocked from the pupil/teacher if they are deemed as inappropriate e.g. naked or illegal.  Obviously this weighs slightly on CPU although e-Safe claim this is only a few % and barely noticeable to the user.

Flash object first view can be scanned but the contents of flash files can not be scanned in the current version however e-safe education claim this will be addressed towards the end of the years.  Canvas type objects can be scanned and therefore detected.

e-Safe education claim the managed service will be able to detect keywords on PrimaryPad, which is likely because they also claim it can detect keywords in SecondLife.  The keystroke detection is a given and I expect this will work fine with very little headache.


As someone who has written child protection email algorithms before I understand how this service works and we should be clear from the outset this service will not detect 100% of the threats facing a pupil/teacher when they use technology.  e-safe education’s managed service does however make for a cosy and somewhat expensive comfort blanket for schools looking to increase their pupil safeguarding.

It’s worth considering the burden of responsibility to check such systems otherwise would typically fall upon school ICT staff who might not have the time to review and respond to potentially serious alerts.

Saying all of that..  The cost of the service is worth it if it protects one child however we cannot avoid the root of the problem or the fact that education is a more effective tool than monitoring when it comes to being safe on-line.

What are your thoughts on this type of monitoring?

Has your school implemented a solution like this?  How did you find it?

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The new Microsoft

The world has changed and Microsoft is changing with it.

Contrary to popular belief Microsoft is longer is Microsoft the money grabbing beast it used to be.

It’s easy for companies  to try to exploit new revenue streams and to gain investor support but this isn’t about new markets, this is about reducing existing market share or presenting better value in markets that provide a healthy revenue stream for Microsoft.

Microsoft are pro-actively cutting existing revenue streams to aid education, I am involved in this and although it damages our profitability it does increase our ability and potential to provide a better service at a lower price.

Live @ Edu is a perfect example of this.  We purchase thousands of pounds/dollars worth of Microsoft Exchange licenses each month and then resell those on to schools through a service called Primary Email.  The introduction of Live at Edu means we can still sell Primary Email but instead of using our own hosting and having to pay Microsoft for Licenses,  Microsoft cover it all, how nice is that?!

Live at Edu is a free service but because we have worked in Primary schools providing email for so long we are able to offer the 5% extra that makes a big difference to how a school efficiently uses email.  Eventually Microsoft will figure this out and push us entirely out of the market and that is fine, but until that point it give us a great opportunity to offer a great service at a ridiculously low price!

Question is..  How does the Microsoft Exchange team feel about this?  Knowing Microsoft I think they will feel somewhat vulnerable and the thought of merging the Exchange team with the Office team could make for some uncomfortable conversations..

In reality..  Imagine you were payed £20k to do your job then your boss said we can’t pay you any more AND you have to work for free..  But in 10 years time your £20k will be £50k.  I hope this is sustainable for Microsoft, I’m pretty sure it will be and their business model/plan will be widely adopted in other emerging and stale markets.

Finally it is worth saying that past experiences means that we do treat Microsoft with the same treatment we treat  other companies growing at the rate of a steroid infused tuma.  With a very, very, very large pole, muzzle and a poached salmon and rocket sandwich.

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Ye Olde Android adventure – Day 2

Today as I ventured towards Droidville I met a sage who reminded me about some useful keystokes.

Eclipse: Control Alt Down duplicates line
Emulator: Rotate screen – Control F11

As I moved closer to Droidville the air began to fill with hope, thousands of hopeful children and teachers poored into the streets, so I quickly hid and jumped into Bar Youtube (Part of the Starbucks chain) and watched another video to further my understanding of the power of Android, another good one this time by Ye old O’Reilly

Building my team to fight the forces of evil

I got in touch with a developer through rent-a-coder called Kumar Bibek who has 3 years experience fighting the forces of evil (developing Android apps). We had a conversation that went something line:  “I can make the bow, can ye make the arrow?”  We agree’d on 100$ for the array (final bits of the work that were out of my skill set).

Overview of the bits I’m doing:
Making Classdroid look fit for a princess (Layout design/User interfaces)
Making Classdroid easy to use  (Application flow)
Making Classdroid link together (Intent assignments)
Designing how Classdroid will save our princesses minions (Database design)

Overview of the bits he’s doing:
Not shooting the messenger (Code to read/write preferences/settings to/from SQLite)
Carrier Pigeon nurturing (Control method for post to WordPress)
Controlling the Eye of  Gondor (Camera SDK modifications)

In the Sage’s library I found a piece of parchment with some notes scribbled on it:
Resource = text,pictures, sound objects, layout….
Intent = change the page
View = new page layout/display
\n = newline when using text elements

Very cryptic clues, maybe I will need them to enter the great hall of Droidville?

It’s been a long day…..

As the day drew to a close and the Sun nestled the hills of Azrowilsden I discovered WordPress have an android application that does 80% of what I want to do from a control point of view so I’m going to hack into that to save me needing to write the function that posts the RPC over XML to WordPress.  This is why the world should embrace more open source, it empowers us all instead of dumbing us down like iLem users who are too scared to google how to create an android application (or don’t see it being a valuable use of their time).

As the iLem users fall off their platform I am gently warmed inside by the knowledge that we are creating a better, more open world without any corporate borders.  One application at a time.

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Ye Olde Android adventure – Day 1

Today I started on my journey towards Droidville, past the gargoyles of SDKs and into the realm of eclipse. I began my journey equiping myself with the finest weapons possible in the form of eclipse and android sdk including all the power ups and runes. I stopped for lunch at bar youtube where I indulged in an excellent documentary and began my developing whilst following the gentle, slightly distant voice of the presenter. “Whisper control shift oh! to the sage and ye be blessed with organized imports” I heard him mutter under his breath..

Hours went by and the youtube video was stopped, rewound and replayed various times, as the sun set I had my Hello world working and some UIs designed, unfortunatly my Hello World app is called com.golf.. The icon is set. If this is groundhog day let it end…

Flute playing and shots of rolling hills come into screen..

Will tomorrow bring safer travels for our hero?

Making a Google Teacher Academy Application is easy

Making my Google Teacher Academy Application video only took about 30 minutes.  The thing that took the longest was deciding what I was going to talk about.  My recommendation to you is just to talk about something you are passionate about and not to try to think about what other people would want to hear.  If you are thinking about applying I strongly recommend you put a little time aside to create a presentation because when you do it will make you think ab0ut a) what you are passionate about and b) it will make it easier for people to understand what you are passionate about. This was an unexpected outcome from doing my video and it has proved to be massively useful.

How I picked my topic

Initially I was going to do a high and mighty review about using ICT in an innovative way in the classroom, this just seemed too vague with a whitewash of buzz words and sales schpeil.  I decided to do a presentation on something I think could affect education in the future and is slightly fringe and creative.   Admittedly I spent hours looking at the brief by Google dissecting it and thinking about how I could make the perfect presentation.  Ultimately I figured presenting something I am passionate about would come across better.  I wrote my script and saved that to PrimaryPad, a few people jumped onto the Pad and modified all the incoherent bits so I was using simple language in my presentation.

Creating the presentation

I used Microsoft Powerpoint to create the presentation slides, I wanted to keep things simple and as text free as possible.  All of the images I used were Creative Commons and found through various creative commons image search websites such as flickr.

Recording the video and audio

I used a flip video camera to record the video and a Samson USB microphone.  I put the flip video camera on a box and stood in front of a white wall.  I recorded the video through the day to make sure there was some natural lighting.

Making the video

I exported each of the slides from Powerpoint to a .PNG file and then imported those files into Camtasia Studio.   I dragged the video and audio that I recorded on the flip camera and the Samsun microphone into Camtasia Studio.  Once I had the audio, video and slides into the program I synced up the audio, chopped out all my out takes(about 80% of the content was useless) then and added a few transitions.  I normalized the audio and shrunk the video from the camera into a corner.  Finally I added a few transitions then exported the project to WMV which I then uploaded to Youtube.

Tools used:

View my application video

Matt Lovegrove’s application video

Chicken Saltash’s application video

Oliver Quinlan’s application video

Ian Addison’s application video

Mr Lockyer’s application video

Chris Wilde’s application video

Martin Waller’s application video

lardyken‘s application video

David Mitchell’s application video

Jan Webb’s application video

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