Example Google Apps Education Edition Acceptable Usage Policy (UK)

I wanted to make sure schools had an Acceptable Usage Poilcy if they chose to use Google Apps so I put one online.

I have modified this AUP written for the USA for use in the UK.

Here is the link to the UK version – Example Google Apps Education Edition Acceptable Usage Policy (UK)

Hardware and Software inventory in your primary school

Performing a hardware and software in your school can be a long, boring & time consuming task. Well not any more! Primary Technology have released publicly our web2 application which is incredibly easy to install and gives you real time information on what software is installed.

Included in the tool is a Becta recommend minimum requirements comparison tool which allows you to see which machines you may need to replace in the next 12/24 months.
Screen shots:
Hardware inventory
Software inventory

To access the Inventory tool visit the Primary Technology Control Panel

Extending the Framework for IT support

We felt that the FITS (Framework for ICT Technical Support provided) could be modified to more embrace the specific needs of a primary school so we decided to create an extended version of the framework for all UK schools to use.

Completing an extended FITS report from your school will fulfill a lot of SRF requirements and is appreciated by OFSTED. We have had great success using this platform in Bradford and would like to share our findings.
We use the framework to ensure that schools can plan ICT activities and expenditure over the next 3 years and also ensure that if any school encounters any loss of quality of service.
You can complete an eFits for your school. The service is completely free and is very easy to use. To access the extended fits simply:
  1. Register/Login at Primary Technology ontrol Panel
  2. Click Support Tools then Click Framework for IT support
  3. Fill in the form and click OK
More reading on FITS (becta website)
Screen shots of a report: