Sending Hex to MyAvatarEditor object using PHP

Want to push a hex value from a database to a myavatareditor element? It’s easy, here is an example:

Make sure $avatarid is the Hex code for your avatar. PHP example included here..

<script type="text/javascript">
var avatarvalue = "<?= $avatarid ?>";
var avatarURL = "myavatarcharacter.swf?avatar=" + avatarvalue;
swfobject.embedSWF(avatarURL, "avatarSWFContainer", "160", "200", "10.0.0", null, {hosted:true});
function setFacialFeature(){
                var avatarSWF = document.getElementById('avatarSWFContainer');

Educational Gaming on a PC without a iwb/keyboard/mouse.

Here are two alternative ways to control the Interactive whiteboard or PC in your classroom while engaging in game based learning.

I apologize for the slightly lame video quality, Camera Mouse stuff starts at 2 minutes 20 seconds.

Timocco‘s coloured object tracking.

Using coloured objects and encouraging motor skills. The timocco software (considering I only had a limited access version(wtdeuce?)) is average, I mean its okay but it’s not web based and it’s a bit of a pain to configure, the music is pretty annoying and the games don’t really present much scope for learning.  The focus here is on an individual motor skills.  It would be interesting to see multi-player built into this package however I think the obstacle of it not being a web based tool should be overcome first.

Head tracking with Camera Mouse 2010.

Why ‘o Why does this software not have a simple function that allows the mouse to be clicked when the operator snaps their fingers? Other than that, it was quite an eye opener for me how easy it was to get onto primary games arena and start learning.. Obvious obstacles of no keyboard so I can’t input anything or do left/right.  Obvious frustration with the delay before mouse click too..   Other than that, the opportunity and scope for different applications such as this one are obvious.  It was my second time trying to use this tool, it is extremely natural to adopt.  This application is not web based either but it is more of a way of extending your operating system as opposed to just extending an exclusive application.

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Websites and info:
Camera Mouse 2010
The webcam I’m using – Microsoft Lifecam

Google Cloudcourse is not a learning platform

"CloudCourse is a course scheduling system. ” — Google Code.

Not a learning platform.  (as claimed by this post)

C’mon people, just because something is a web based tool that can be used WITHIN a learning platform doesn’t mean it IS a learning platform.  Educators are already confused enough with companies offering them learning platforms that don’t do what a learning platform should do according to Becta(RIP) and Wikipedia.

Obviously a lot of people are still confused to what is a learning platform.  I recommend you watch this video.

There is a live version of cloudcourse for YOU TO PLAY WITH here.

It is pretty much irrelevant for Primary Schools, I will try to find a creative way to use it in a primary but don’t hold your breath…

I am waiting on a call/email from Irwin(from the CloudCourse team) who will hopefully disagree with me and prove me wrong.

Does Cloudcourse compete with Frog, Moodle & other learning platforms?  No.

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Dry wipe erasable paint (IWB paint)

I bought some of this paint from Homebase when it was on special offer.  The paint basically allows you to use a dry wipe marker on your wall.  I used it to make notes and the like (see right hand side)…  So far, so good.
It seems to be working well.  I’m tempted to do the rest of my walls.  

One thing to note:  Prepare your surfaces well, just a quick scotch down of most surfaces wont do.  Also ensure you don’t have any hot lights beaming down on your surface as it may make the paint dry a bit funny..

Next step is to try it with one of these Epson projectors that don’t require an IWB.

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