I may be slow to catch on and thanks to Jann Webb for pointing this out but I do think TwitterSheep is a great tool for researching someone’s interests in a super easy way.
Love is a word relative to my interests.. Weird!
Founder, Inventor, Creator
I may be slow to catch on and thanks to Jann Webb for pointing this out but I do think TwitterSheep is a great tool for researching someone’s interests in a super easy way.
Love is a word relative to my interests.. Weird!
Classdroid allows you to upload to any wordpress site.
PrimaryBlogger supports this by default.
Either a) Download & install this plugin
or b) Goto Settings, Writing then click Enable XML-RPC (Bottom option of the Writing settings page)
End of the 2009-2010 school/work year and it has been an immense year. I’m signing off from work for a bit (2 weeks) to regain some sanity and reality but before I do here are the people I want to thank for this year.
Ian Addison (Great to chat with seems to understand both technical and teaching aspects of my work)
James Langley (Great at everything to do with ICT and primary schools)
Chris Mayoh (Fantastic feedback on our services)
Jo Dean (Amazing understanding of making managed service contracts work)
John Sutton (Fantastic understanding of encourage schools to adopt blogs)
Simon Finch (second to none understanding of internet provision in schools)
Kumar (Brilliant Android/Java developer)
Takeektas (Amazing artist)
Redhog (Breathtaking brilliant developer(this guy would blow your minds))
Teeny Tiny (Supportive, supportive, supportive. Lucky to have known her so long)
Mark Chambers (Every sentence is like a change factory)
Harshad Taylor (Amazing sys admin with great network stability and flexibility and great personality)
Ramsbeb (Great supported of modern technology)
Stefan Richter (Genius behind scribblar very open to work with new services)
Joe Cornelli (Great philosophical mind, I’m expecting great things)
Terry Freedman (Always supported my articles, always been there for guidance)
Chris Ratcliffe (I hate sales blokes but Chris breaks the mould.. Has been so keen to share and help, he puts edu first)
Tim Rylands (Probably most inspiring man of year)
Deputy Mitchell (I can only say thanks to this man, he works so hard, does so much, I think he has a doppel)
OmnomnomTom (If code needs writing properly, this is the man I turn to)
Margaret Vass (Great supporter of blogging, I truly hope glow supports her as well as we did)
Sharon Dominik (the only person I always answer my phone to)
Everyone who works on an open source project. Kudos, gg and ftw and obviously (this is delivered in person) those at Primary Technology who support and endure the challenges we all face on a daily basis.
And last but not least is my dad, who as you know is my alpha, beta and gamma.
Thanks so much for this year, everyone has made it special and I’m hoping 2010-2011 can provide some fruits for you to pick from!
Basic overview of my workload till next year up till April: Launch new PST, Launch new SC (inc new standard), polish PGA, launch SIMS service, launch XPArena,
I have now completed my visits to Bradford schools covering some basics of being empowered by web based resources. The meetings have usually lasted about an hour and have been relatively structureless & informal.
to identifying their pupils, parents(current and prospective) and teachers requirements for a learning platform. Including showing the school example of how other schools are using web based technology. The main idea of this is to get the school to think about what they want the web to do for them, not what they can do on the web.
I showed each school how to access to the Primary School Web2 searchable database which will allow them to search for web2 resources in the future when they are contemplating replacing a current legacy application.
I showed off Microsoft‘s Live at Edu showing how even the most pricey of apps are moving on-line and the experience is relatively high quality compared to a few years ago.
I explained why I believe web based is better than downloadable especially for mobile projects. I also tried to explain the new method for distributing apps through systems such as Google Market and iStore.
I covered some useful web sites and resources that are focused on extending pupils learning outside of the school gates. The examples I used were Mr Thorne does Phonics and Primary Games Arena amongst others.
The biggest problem I faced during the sessions were the amount of sites that were filtered so access was not possible. This is something all LA’s are working on and struggling with. This problem wont be experienced at home so I suggested that the teacher/head continued investigating resources from the searchable database at home.
I enjoyed doing the sessions and I spent the last few minutes of the meetings asking the school if they thought the meetings were valuable. Many schools have expressed an interest in pursuing things further with their own web based systems and all have said they will use some of the web based resources already available on the internet. Nearly all of the schools were not aware of all the resources available and were amazed at the quality and ease of use of a lot of the sites I showed them.
It is worth remembering that these sessions are often required just as a way to introduce schools to the basics around web based technology and they aren’t meant to be a thorough session with direct outputs or goals. I hope/think they went well and will probably run them again next year depending on funding from Primary Technology who funded all of the sessions this year. I do hope that some schools begin exploring Web2 in more depth and begin working with the Education Bradford ICT team to embed Web2 into their whole school plan.
Update: I am working with the CEO of eJamming to try to address some of the issues I encountered – Watch this space.
eJamming audio is a 10$ per month service that allows you to real-time jam with your mates via the power of the internet. Or so it claims.. Heres what I found…
I found the sign up process a little too intrusive and cumbersome, even the verification email took about 5 minutes to come through.
There was no message stating I had been verified, after clicking on the email it just redirected me back to the download page.
The link to speedtest.net should really open in a new window – removing me from the website at a critical moment seems like a bad idea and th link to HTTP://PORTFORWARD.COM/EJAMMING/ isn’t clickable and it 404’s when types in the address bar & the port forwarding docs aren’t clear, but whos are? Ideally port forwarding wouldnt be required.
Initially the ASIO4ALL application broke all audio playback on my system, I had to fiddle with audio setings to get it work again.
The desktop app doesn’t fill the available space on screen which makes my widescreen monitors feel a bit wasted, also the File, preferences window didn’t even open on my main window (it opened else where) and just for fun the app dumped a .txt file and .xml file on my desktop. I feel like the preferences should be part of the main control bar and not hidden away.
Some sessions would let me in for a few seconds then drop me out not give an indication of why but what is worst is that most of the sessions just wouldnt allow me to connect at all.
Basically this service didn’t work for me. I wish it did because I love the idea and I hope they are able to fix all the bugs/issues because I think it could be great =) I emailed a link to this post to the support team in a bid to get things improved.