What is Google Teacher Academy?
The Google Teacher Academy is a FREE professional development experience designed to help primary and secondary educators from around the globe get the most from innovative technologies… Upon completion, Academy participants become Google Certified Teachers who share what they learn with other primary and secondary educators in their local region.
Why am I applying?
I’m not doing this for the badge, in fact the thought of Google needing to put a stamp of approval on my work as an Educator is cringe worthy. The same feeling applies to all big brands, be it Apple, Microsoft etc. A teacher can be a fantastic teacher without any badge or sign of approval, just ask their pupils.
Most of my job is listening to teachers and educators, trying to understand how they want to use ICT to deliver the curriculum. I feel like GTA should be a great opportunity to meet other people that have a similar role as myself and hopefully share some of my experiences and best practices that I have discovered over the years.
What I hope to gain from GTA
I hope that the users of safe search will benefit from increased confidence in knowing that I have been on the course. Safe Search is built on Google Custom Search engine technology so it would be good for me to get some more contacts, feedback and support with delivering a service that thousands of people use every hour. The same applies for the work I do around GTalk, App Engine and Etherpad. I work with about 100 local schools in Bradford promoting web2 so I’m sure I will be able to share some of the experiences I hope to learn at GTA. I especially want to ask what the Google Apps team thoughts on free office WApps 2010 are, how the two products compare.