Futube(Fubra Video) is a tool provided by Fubra and it’s a perfect example of a company providing some code that isn’t fit for purpose and it strikes me the company has no means to maintain it. This is also a perfect example of why open source is so important.
“Futube is a free to use flv video player that simplifies the default user interface of YouTube videos.”
Some things Futube doesn’t do that it really needs to:
No animation or message displaying “loading” so users are under impression site isn’t working.
Full screen mode doesn’t remove the controls from the page.
No ability to change font face
No ability to easily access play time / position of a video
No ability to store video state. This is an issue if you need to momentarily hide the video for any reason, if you do hide it and bring it back the video will go into “stopped” state and when you show the video it will be back at the start.
Some things Futube does do really well:
Easy embed & color customization
Harder to click on youtube link
Simple UI
Hopefully the developer of Futube will fix the 3 issues I have before too long!