Comedy in Primary Learning

Russell Howard is funny right? At least I think so.. I also think that Billy Connolly is funny but is his “strong” use of English appropriate for Primary age kids? Probably not.. This has posed a new problem for our Safe Search filter..

Sure we can check meta content such as comments and categories for profanities but most video content doesn’t have subtitles completed yet and let’s face it no engine Google can write will ever be able to detect curse words delivered by the Glaswegian king of comedy..

So what are my options?

I can block comedy..  Here are the current search results on Primary School TV For Billy Connoly.  Kudos to Paul Scott for pointing this out.  I’m tempted to email Billy to see what he thinks.  Would he deem his stand-up appropriate for 5-12 year olds?  I doubt it.

Or I can block stand-up..  Blocking either of these makes me feel a little dead inside..  I mean, as a kid..  I LOVED comedy & stand up..  Yep it was a bit offensive at times but non of it made me a lesser person..  So here is my compromise..  If a kid wants to get to video content containing stand up they can still search for it using Safe Google Search and find it through there but I am removing the video content from Primary School TV

To summarize.

Stand-up is being removed from Primary School TV.  Sorry, I know this sucks..  I will review it in a few months to see if any useful edu content has been filtered….

Note:  TED talks for example are not classified as stand-up.

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Getting and Setting timeline position in JWPlayer

Getting the position is easy:

<script type="text/javscript">

var player   =  null;
  var playlist =  null;
  var time     =  null;

  function playerReady(obj)
    player = gid(;

  function addListeners()
      playlist = player.getPlaylist();
      setTimeout("addListeners()", 100);

    player.addModelListener('TIME', 'timeMonitor');

  function timeMonitor(obj)
    time = obj.position;

  function gid(name)
    return document.getElementById(name);


You now have the current timeslider time as the variable named “time”.

Test it out by doing an alert(time); attached to a button. This also gives us the time(according to the timeslider) that you clicked the alert and saves it as a variable named “savetime”.

<a href="#" onClick="savetime = time;alert(time);">Alert the current timeline position</a>

Now to push the savetime back to the video object. This will allow us to go back to a saved value, you can manipulate this by adding or removing an integer to fast forward / rewind.

<a href="#" onClick="setTimeout("player.sendEvent('SEEK',savetime)",2000);
">Go to the stored timeline position</a>

Why the setTimeout? Well if you are hiding your jwplayer so you can work around the rest of the screen and you want to bring it back at the same timeline position this will allow the DOM time to reload the element back in. Ideally I would of used a listener here and pushed the value back on “state ready”. Feel free to adjust the code so it does that and leave a copy in the comments 🙂