Send the duration(in ms) a client waited to connect to a Socket IO instance off to Google Analytics . I use this on PrimaryWall to make sure it’s not taking schools a long time to connect to walls. If I start to see this number getting bigger I know something is going wrong so I have an alert set if the average gets above 1000ms.
This code sends the ms it took from when the document was ready to when the socket was ready.
$(document).ready(function () { var socketConnectDuration = 0; setInterval ( socketConnectDurationIncrease, 100 ); // Start a timer socket.on('connect', function () { _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Connection duration', 'Connection duration', socketConnectDuration]); // Send the length of time to GA .... } } function socketConnectDurationIncrease(){ socketConnectDuration = socketConnectDuration + 100; }