Automatically Storing Etherpad Pad contents in Git

This is a how to guide / hack approach for storing Etherpad contents as git commits.

Create git repo

Using your favorite tool / platform. In this instance we use Github to create a new repository called etherpad-storage

Clone git repo

git clone repoURL ~/etherpad-storage

Edit Etherpad settings

Open up settings.json

Replace dirty_db.js with dirty_git_db.js

Replace var/dirty.db with ~/etherpad-storage/dirty.db

Grab the new logic

Grab dirty_git_db.js and put it in your src/node_modules/ueberdb2 folder. Ideally this would be how you do it

curl -o src/node_modules/ueberdb2/dirty_git_db.js

Install simple-git

From within your Etherpad folder..

cd src/node_modules/ueberdb2 && npm install simple-git

Restart and test.

Restart Etherpad, when you type in a pad your changes should be committed to github and your console should be filled with log messages you will probably want to remove..


This is just a simple hack, it’s not designed for production but it might be useful for someone as reference. The goal ultimately is to create a plugin that provides this functionality. It should be easy enough to do!

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