School holidays in the USA are assigned at a district level so vary more than any other country. There are currently 16500+ different available districts so it is important you check your own district or school calendar before booking a holiday or vacation.
When are the school holidays?
Spring Break
Spring break tends to fall around Easter and usually lasts a week. The date of Easter Varies so see the USA public holiday dates as a reference point.
Winter Break
Winter Break surrounds Christmas and New Year, the Holiday usually lasts a week or two. Winter is on the 25th of December and New Year is on the 1st of January. You should check your school or district calendar to see when the holidays begin and end for your school.
Thanksgiving Break
Thanksgiving break surrounds the fourth Thursday of November, schools receive a minimum of two days on this holiday however some schools extend this break up to a week. The date of Thanksgiving Varies so see the USA public holiday dates as a reference point.
Summer Break
The Summer break tends to begin late June and runs through till mid August. This Break represents the end of the school year and the beginning of a new school year.
How the Holiday dates assigned
Each district is a member of a region, for example these are the districts in the region of Alabama. Because each district has unique holiday dates and often each school assigns unique teacher training and snow days you should check your holiday dates for your school at
The first day of school tends to fall in late August/early September and the school year tends to end between in late June.
Interesting Stats
There is an average of 175 school days.
There is an average of 86 holiday days.
There is an average of 10 public holidays. See the USA public holidays .
See more interesting stats about School Holidays in the USA
Recognized public holidays
The public holidays recognized by schools in the USA are:
[insert public holidays here]
Visit School Holidays USA to find the holiday dates for your school or district.