Sounds like Glow and Primary Technology share a similar vision about open technologies. It would be really sad if they say “Yes we want to use open technologies” then adopt Google Docs, let’s hope that doesn’t happen! Please people, try to remember than Open is not the same as Free, open means you have the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want with that piece of software.
I find it strange that so many Scottish schools that have access to the Glow blogs service still use PrimaryBlogger? I assume it’s because PrimaryBlogger has a slightly more open feel and ability to be more creative. I guess as Glow is part of a bigger service the government feel they need to attach certain policies and restrictions to it. I don’t know the answer but it would be an interesting discussion to have if you are a Glow user and you use PrimaryBlogger.
If I was to be skeptical about one thing it would be about RM’s ability to manage glow. In my experience RM tend not to consult with other small business’ about best practice when implementing new technology and I haven’t seen much of a commitment from RM to open source. Do you know of any? If so, please prove me wrong!
So I’m interested to see what Glow do, I wont be contributing to the date unless my presence is requested but I will be listening in and looking to see what exciting open-technologies are proposed!
Just finally, I want to give credit to some of the people working in and around Glow from a teaching and learning perspective. Ollie Bray, Derek Robertson, Margaret Vass, John Johnston to name but a few. Keep up the good work one and all and kudos to you!