If you are using the javascript swfobject method for the hosted My Avatar Editor object you can use this code to give your avatar a transparent background:
<script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var avatarvalue = "<?= $avatarid ?>"; var avatarURL = "myavatarcharacter.swf?avatar=" + avatarvalue; swfobject.embedSWF(avatarURL, "avatarSWFContainer", "160", "200", "10.0.0", null, {hosted:"true"},{wmode:"transparent"}); function setFacialFeature(){ var avatarSWF = document.getElementById('avatarSWFContainer'); avatarSWF.draw(); } //]]> </script>
The only bit you need to change from the default code is the parameter which is the {wmode:”transparent”} bit