The below code takes an rss search result from twitter, detects the authors location then posts the information to Ushahidi via the API.
Application I used it in: My School Closures for detecting people who tweet about school closures. Unfortunately I have to use pipes for the location builder which isn’t elegant as Yahoo Pipes sucks and I wish I never started playing with it. Feel free to play with the pipe I created to get geo location information from a location name, it is the pipe that has the json_decode.
You will need mysql and a table for the guids (this stops us from spamming twitter for authors we have already located). Make sure you change the configuration settings and create a table in mysql.
The method is simple, the code isn’t pretty and will require polishing but here it is:
<pre> <?php //CONFIGURE THE SETTINGS BELOW //twitter settings $twitterusername = "mytwitteraccount"; $twitterpassword = "apasswordgoeshere"; //database settings $host = "databasehostname"; $user = "databaseusername"; $pass = "databasepassword"; $dbname = 'databasename'; // You should create a table called tweetguids in your database $tablename = "tweetguids"; // Change the below feed to a rss feed similar to below $rssurl = ""; // END OF CONFIG $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); mysql_select_db($dbname); ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('log_errors', 1); ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt'); error_reporting(E_ALL); $rss = simplexml_load_file($rssurl) or die("failure"); $count = 0; foreach ($rss->channel as $chan) { $time = $chan->pubDate; } foreach ($rss->channel as $chan){$time = $chan->pubDate;} foreach ($rss->channel->item as $item) { // only do first 10 records if ($count < 10) { $foundguid=0; $guidnew=$item->guid; // Check to see if guid exists in db already $sql="SELECT * FROM $tablename where guid = \"$guidnew\""; $result=mysql_query($sql, $conn); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $foundguid=1; echo "Foundguid: $foundguid"; } if($foundguid==1) { echo "We found an alredy existing guid..."; } else { $count = $count + 1; $task="report"; $incident_title=$item->title; $guidnew=$item->guid; $incident_title=str_replace(" ","+",$incident_title); $incident_description=$item->description; $incident_description=str_replace(" ","+",$incident_description); $incident_date=date("m/d/Y",$time); $incident_hour=date("H",$time); $incident_minute=date("i",$time); $incident_ampm=date("a",$time); $incident_category="Possible Closure"; $location_name="Unknown"; $author = $item->author; $author = str_replace(" ","+",$author); $pos = strpos($author,"+"); //$author = substr($author,0,$pos); $author = str_ireplace("","",$author); $url = "http://$twitterusername:$$author"; //echo $url; $output = simplexml_load_file($url) or die("badauth"); foreach ($output->user as $item) { // Get the values out of the XML $location=$item->location; // Clean up the location $location=str_ireplace("-",",",$location); $location=str_ireplace(" ",",",$location); // $location=preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "", $location); echo "<br/><b>Location content: $location<br/>"; // Pass the location to yahoo pipe $location = str_ireplace(" ","",$location); //echo "<br/>Loc: $location"; $locationurl = "$location"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $locationurl); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //make the request $json = curl_exec($ch); $arr = (json_decode($json,true)); $blah = $arr['value']['items'][0]['name']['loc']; //print_r($blah); $latitude = $blah['lat']; $longitude = $blah['lon']; $location_name = $blah['city']; } $incident_description="Closure reported from twitter"; $url = "task=report&incident_title=$incident_title&incident_description=$incident_description&incident_date=$incident_date&incident_hour=$incident_hour&incident_minute=$incident_minu$ $posturl = ""; $Curl_Session = curl_init($posturl); curl_setopt ($Curl_Session, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt ($Curl_Session, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $url); curl_setopt ($Curl_Session, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_exec ($Curl_Session); curl_close ($Curl_Session); //Write to the database $sqlgo="INSERT INTO $tablename VALUES (\"$guidnew\")"; $result=mysql_query($sqlgo, $conn); } } //Write anything else to DB just in case anything trails behind $sql="INSERT INTO $tablename VALUES (\"$guidnew\")"; $result=mysql_query($sql, $conn); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); //echo "<br/>$sql<br/>"; } ?>
Hi, John !
Sounds interesting… same interesting your school project
I just setup a test platform to check the different features of Ushahidi… Actually it looks good in tendency
I have the feeling, that the Ushahidi Forum is not really helpful as I find mostly only questions and no answers there… so I post my question here.
Some single options in my Global Map project are yet not working, e.g. “Twitter feed” or email function… but I think, these are smaller issues to get under control…
I am not a computer programmer, I am just a user… I need clear instructions to setup such systems, as I did with my own blog systems (WordPress 2.8.6 and 3.01)
and the new blog which is now in test phase
So what to do with your code ? – I suppose I have to copy it and generate with an Ascii TXT editor (like Notepad) a *.php file, right ? Which name I have to give it ?
Where to deposite this file via FTP? – – Which subdirectory? – And how to implement it into MySql ?
My Provider offers me CPanel + myphpAdmin … I dont know how to create new tables in the specific database.
As I dont want take the risk to crash the web server, better I ask first and I hope for your understanding that you might give me a more detailled orientation about the single steps.
Tks in advance. Warm regards from Europe/North Germany..
What do you do with the code?
You need to provide an XML feed that the code can read. I used yahoo pipes to get the feed then my code reads the feed and sends it into Ushahidi.
You will want the php to be on a cronjob, you can test it by doing php whatever.php
You can give it whatever name you want
You implement it into mysql by setting the mysql user/pass and database in the .php
You can put it wherever you want. It has no file dependancies
This code is really for properly hosted php/apache/mysql instances and not those that rely on any third party for management.