Send_NSCA.exe example

1. Make sure you edit your send_nsca.cfg accordingly

2. Copy to c:\test.vbs

Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments.Unnamed
Set WshShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
‘ 0 = hostname of local machine
‘ 1 = checkname
‘ 2 = result, 0 is ok, 1 is warn, 2 is crit
‘ 3 = notes from the output
‘ Written by John McLear of Primary Technology 2009
exepath = “c:\program files\montitech\nc_net\config\send_nsca.exe” ‘ path to exe
cfgpath = “c:\program files\montitech\nc_net\config\send_nsca.cfg” ‘ path to cfg
host = “” ‘host nagios server
tab = Chr(9)
prefix = “c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /q /c echo “
cmd= prefix & oArgs.Item(0) & tab & oArgs.Item(1) & tab & oArgs.Item(2) & tab & oArgs.Item(3) & ” | ” & chr(34) & exepath & chr(34) & ” -H ” & host & ” -c ” & chr(34) & cfgpath & chr(34)
wscript.echo cmd
‘ Remove or rem out above line after debug

3. Edit to your nagios server name.

4. Start – run – cmd – cscript c:\test.vbs Myhostname Mycheckname Status(seebelow)
My Example: cscript c:\test.vbs mooocow simsdbversion 0 3.142