Educational Gaming on a PC without a iwb/keyboard/mouse.

Here are two alternative ways to control the Interactive whiteboard or PC in your classroom while engaging in game based learning. I apologize for the slightly lame video quality, Camera Mouse stuff starts at 2 minutes 20 seconds. Timocco‘s coloured object tracking. Using coloured objects and encouraging motor skills. The timocco software (considering I only…

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Project Natal Games

I have been following the stuff about Project Natal and it looks like it could be really good for education. I will try to summarize project Natal: Move your whole body instead of your fingers. It has facial/sound recognition. I love how interactive project natal is and that makes it perfect for educational use. I…

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3D in the classroom

The claim that 3D can result in higher test scores makes me cringe!!! Arghz I had an interesting email today from our installs team leader, it read: 3D projectors are now priced at pretty much the same level as normal 2D units, and are of course backwards compatible. If we started offering them to schools,…

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