Getting to know

alwaysHttps = false // Always use HTTPs connections
ajstdlibHome = ../infrastructure/framework-src/modules // Where does ajstdlib live?
appjetHome = ./data/appjet // Where does the appjet engine live?
devMode = false // Is the server production or not? Enables/disables caching & obfustication & allows for new accounts & pro bits
etherpad.adminPass = password // Password for /ep/admin (enable/disable plugins etc.)
etherpad.fakeProduction = false // Same as below but fakeified.
etherpad.isProduction = true // Is the server production or not? Enables/disables caching & obfustication & allows for new accounts & pro bits
etherpad.proAccounts = true // Enable or Disable Pro accounts
etherpad.SQL_JDBC_DRIVER = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver // MySQL driver
etherpad.SQL_JDBC_URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/etherpad // MySQL connectivity type, host, port and database
etherpad.SQL_PASSWORD = password // MySQL password
etherpad.SQL_USERNAME = root // MySQL username
hidePorts = true // wether we should hide ports to end user, IE is the etherpad service behind a reverse proxy
listen = 9090 // tcp port to listen on
logDir = ./data/logs // where to store log files
modulePath = ./src // location of your modules
motdPage = /ep/pad/view/ro.3PfHCD0ApLc/latest? //location of motd (used when using a custom home page see fullScreen=1&slider=0&sidebar=0 // what attributes are required to be passed fullSCreen view
topdomains =,,localhost, // What domains should etherpad listen on?
transportPrefix = /comet // How should we prefix the comet messages?
transportUseWildcardSubdomains = true // Can the comet requests use wildcard subdomains?
useHttpsUrls = false // Should we ever push out any https urls?
useVirtualFileRoot = ./src // Where is the virtual file root?
theme = primarypad // What theme should be on by default? (user can overwrite with ?_theme=whatever)
etherpad.soffice = /usr/bin/soffice // Where is the soffice executable?
customBrandingName = PrimaryPad // Top branding name on pads
customEmailAddress = // Email address that will be used when sending out pad invites etc.
showLinkandLicense = false // Always show Etherpad license

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